Day 1 Agenda

September 3rd, 2025

08:00am - 5:30pm

Capital Terrace


Stop by the registration desk to get your complimentary swag bag, conference lanyard, and badge.

08:00am - 09:15Am

capital Terrace

Coffee Break sponsored by Dentons


Morning Coffee

Grab a cup of coffee and chat with your fellow attendees before our morning keynote.

09:15am - 10:00Am

Presidential Ballroom

Welcome address by PBC CEO Joshua Radbod.

Keynote: To Be Announced Soon

Exhibit Area Open

Meet our exhibitors to network and explore solutions across the Cannabis Banking Ecosystem!

10:00Am - 5:30pm

senate & congressional

10:00am - 10:30Am

Senate & Congressional

Coffee Break sponsored by Dentons


Coffee & Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

Grab a cup of coffee and chat with your fellow attendees and exhibitors before our morning panel sessions begin.

10:30am - 11:15am

Federal AB

Banking Track

Cannabis Banker Centers of Influence

How can a cannabis banker develop and benefit from a strong center of influence network, built around the PBC Cannabis Banking Ecosystem?

10:30am - 11:15am

South American AB

Legal Track

From Seizures to Solutions: Legal Cases Shaping the Future of Cannabis

Examine recent landmark cases that have significantly impacted the cannabis industry. From asset forfeiture seizures to groundbreaking rulings, experts shed light on how these cases are redefining industry practices.

11:15am - 11:30Am

Senate & Congressional


Stretch your legs or grab a quick meeting between sessions.

11:30am - 12:15Pm

Federal AB

Policy & Legislation Track

State Legalization Journeys, from 1996 to now

Join state regulators as they share how their states have navigated the challenges of legalization, developed frameworks for oversight, and adapted to industry growth. Hear their perspective on where state policies are headed and how they aim to shape the future of the cannabis industry.

11:30am - 12:15Pm

South American AB

Compliance Track

Tech-Driven Compliance

Discover how banks and credit unions are utilizing AI and other innovative technologies to enhance compliance processes and operational efficiency. Explore how these advancements are transforming compliance strategies and setting new standards for effectiveness in financial institutions.

12:15Pm - 1:30pm

Presidential Ballroom

Lunch sponsored by Prism Bank



Join your fellow attendees for lunch and networking.

1:30Pm - 2:00Pm

Federal AB

Banking Scenario

Cannabis Banker Q&A

Thinking about starting a cannabis banking program or expanding into new states? Experienced cannabis bankers tackle the most frequently asked questions, from building a successful program to managing multi-state operations. Hear firsthand accounts of unusual challenges and unique situations faced by industry leaders, and learn practical strategies to address them.

1:30Pm - 2:00Pm

South American AB

Payments Scenario

Your payments provider shut down, what do you do?

We've all seen CRB posts on LinkedIn asking for help when their payments get shut down. Why does this keep happening, how can operators prevent this from happening in the future, who can help? How does this impact the CRB's banking partner?

2:00pm - 2:10pm

Senate & Congressional

Coffee Break sponsored by Dentons


Coffee & Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

Thirsty? Need a quick burst of energy? Grab a refreshment and get in a quick meeting before our next round of panel sessions begin.

2:10Pm - 2:40Pm

Federal AB

Cash Logistics Scenario

Impacts of Improving Cash Logistics

How do Smart Safes, combined with Cash Logistics, help bankers? How does this impact costs to CRB clients?

2:10Pm - 2:40Pm

South American AB

Compliance Scenario

Self Assessments vs Site Inspections

Experts will compare licensed operator self-assessments with traditional site inspections, exploring how self-assessments are transforming the way compliance partners, banking institutions, and regulators approach oversight. How does this impact relationships between operators, banks, and regulators as the cannabis industry adapts to these evolving practices?

2:40pm - 2:50pm

Senate & Congressional


Stretch your legs or grab a quick meeting between sessions.

2:50Pm - 3:20Pm

Federal AB

Sponsor Scenario

Sponsor Breakout Session: To Be Announced Soon

2:50Pm - 3:20Pm

South American AB

Sponsor Scenario

Sponsor Breakout Session: To Be Announced Soon

3:20pm - 3:30pm

Senate & Congressional


Stretch your legs or grab a quick meeting between sessions.

3:30pm - 3:50pm

Presidential Ballroom

Keynote: To Be Announced Soon

3:50PM - 4:00PM

Presidential Ballroom

PBC 2025 Awards Ceremony & Raffle Winner Announcement

Who will take home our annual PBC Conference Awards?

Raffle winner to be announced! Details to be announced soon. Must be present to win.

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Senate & Congressional

Happy Hour sponsored by LeafLink


Happy Hour & Networking in the Exhibit Area

Join other industry leaders for networking and drinks.