Day 2 Agenda

September 4th, 2025

09:00am - 4:30pm

Capital Terrace


Stop by the registration desk to get your complimentary swag bag, conference lanyard, and badge.

09:00am - 09:30Am

Senate & Congressional

Coffee sponsored by CoinWrap


Continental Breakfast & Morning Coffee in the Exhibit Area

Grab some breakfast and a cup of coffee and chat with your fellow attendees before our morning keynote.

09:00Am - 4:30pm

Senate & Congressional

Exhibit Area Open

Meet our exhibitors to network and explore solutions across the Cannabis Banking Ecosystem!

09:30am - 10:00Am

Presidential Ballroom

Keynote: To Be Announced Soon

10:00am - 10:30Am

Senate & Congressional

Coffee Break sponsored by CoinWrap


Coffee & Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

Grab a cup of coffee and chat with your fellow attendees and exhibitors before our morning panel sessions begin.

10:30am - 11:15am

Federal AB

Banking Track

The Business of Cannabis Banking in 2025

How are banks and credit unions staying net positive with their cannabis banking program in 2025? As new competitors enter the industry, while others leave, what business tactics and operations have institutions implemented to stay competitive, make more money, and improve customer experience?

10:30am - 11:15am

South American AB

Compliance Track

CRB Onboarding Due Diligence vs Continuous Monitoring

What are the similarities and differences between CRB onboarding due diligence and continuous monitoring? How do you set both up to improve internal efficiency while also minimizing the burden on the CRB client?

11:15am - 11:30Am

Senate & Congressional


Stretch your legs or grab a quick meeting between sessions.

11:30am - 12:15Pm

Federal AB

Accounting Track

What do banks & credit unions need to know about Cannabis Taxes?

Understanding the intricacies of client business models and market conditions is essential for effective continuous monitoring in cannabis banking. What does your financial institution need to know about cannabis tax regulations and how can you integrate this knowledge into your monitoring processes to ensure your programs remain compliant while adapting to the evolving cannabis landscape?

11:30am - 12:15Pm

South American Ab

Business Solutions Track

Lending vs Investing in 2025 and Beyond

The Cannabis Industry landscape is increasingly evolving through M&A and bankruptcies. Where is the smart money moving and what options should CRBs consider to fund their growth?

12:15Pm - 1:30pm

Presidential Ballroom

Lunch sponsored by Herring Bank


Lunch & Networking

Join your fellow attendees for lunch and networking.

1:30Pm - 2:15Pm

Federal AB

Compliance Track

Data-Driven Compliance

How do Cannabis Bankers, CRBs, and Regulators Leverage Data

1:30Pm - 2:15Pm

South American AB

Payments Track

The Cannabis Payments Stack

Discover how track and trace, ERP, and POS integrate and work together to provide actionable insights & streamline operations for a CRB, and create a seamless customer experience.

2:15pm - 2:45pm

Senate & Congressional

Coffee Break sponsored by CoinWrap


Coffee & Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

Thirsty? Need a quick burst of energy? Grab a refreshment and get in a quick meeting before our next round of panel sessions begin.

2:45Pm - 3:30Pm

Federal AB

Accounting Track

Financial Audits in Cannabis

Accurate financial reporting and auditing remain critical yet complex for cannabis businesses due to its Schedule 1 status. Understand the complexities in preparing audited financials for CRBs, lessons learned, what questions to ask, and more. Also, get a sneak peek on what financial audits may look like post a potential rescheduling of cannabis.

3:30pm - 4:30pm

Senate & Congressional


Happy Hour & Networking in the Exhibit Area

Join other industry leaders for networking and drinks.